Let’s face it, parenting can be stressful; you want your baby to be independent but at the same time, you want to protect them and ensure their safety at all times. It is hard to keep up with them and monitor all the things you need to on a daily basis.
Children, especially toddlers, can get into trouble on their own because they are so curious. We’re here to give you some tips on how to keep your baby safe during bathtime, mealtime, and playtime. By following along, you can keep your little one protected by still allowing them to live a playful life and childhood.
#1: Bathtime
Your baby will have to take regular baths to ensure they are clean and ready for the new day. However, what are some things that you should be concerned with before you give them their first bath?
Eyes on them
As your little one gets older, it may be tempting to want to leave them alone in the bathtub while you go finish up some chores you weren’t able to h-get to earlier. But, this is not a good idea for your baby. Drowning is a leading cause of death among children and for infants they can drown in as little as an inch of water. If you decide you want to leave the room, then you should take the baby with you.
Don’t let them burn their baby skin
Your baby’s sensitive skin is susceptible to burns easily. The water bath should be no hotter than 100 degrees, as that is the temperature that babies are most comfortable in. Make sure to give your water a feel with your own hand before dunking your baby in!
Place your baby in a safe location
Location is everything when it comes to making sure that your baby is safe and secure. When you place your baby in the bath try to set them down in the middle so that they don’t get the temptation to play with the facet or bump their head on it. In fact, face her or him away from the knobs so they won’t even have it in their field of vision.
#2: Mealtime
Feeding your little one is next on the list of tasks that can be daunting and complicated. Therefore, it is good to be aware of things to look out for in the kitchen before you risk anything. Baby nutrition is important and mealtimes are a daily task.
Recognize choking risks
According to a study from the American Academy of Pediatrics, about 34 children per day are treated for non fatal related choking accidents. Children under 2 are most vulnerable as they have little to no control over their own bodies yet. Foods with the most risk are grapes or any other food that is cylindrical or easy to accidentally swallow. Some other common ones are nuts, seeds, carrots, and popcorn. As a parent, be sure to identify a hazard and eliminate a choking incident. It may be a good idea to avoid these types of foods altogether until your baby gets older.
Wash your hands
Babies have not fully developed their immune systems. That’s why it’s critical that you wash your hands before feeding them to ensure no bacteria or food-borne illnesses enter their system.
Heat up meals with care
Try not to warm up your bottles in the microwave because it can create hot spots that scold the baby’s mouth. For baby’s food, stir with a spoon and let it sit before serving to avoid burning the baby.
#3: Sleepytime
Whether it’s naptime, or putting your baby down for (hopefully) a full night’s rest– you want your baby to be safe and get good sleep!
Purchase a crib first
If you purchase a crib past the year 2011, they will have all the updated safety measures in place. Clearly, cribs are the best place for your baby to sleep harm-free.
Position your baby on their back
Your little one should be placed on their back. If they roll around from there, then let them be. Until about age 1, your baby should be initially placed on their back before they sleep.
Ensure there are no excess toys, blankets, or cords nearby
All you need is a fitted sheet and warm clothes for your baby. There is no need to include stuffed animals, tight blankets, or pillows in their crib. Additionally, be aware of any cords nearby where the baby sleeps–because that is bad news.