There has been no mandate yet as to whether or not the entire country should cancel Halloween because of the COVID-19 spread.
And in case there will be no directives for any Trick or Treat cancellation, it would still be advisable to prepare for ways to safely celebrate it with your kids. It may be a bit challenging but if we are going to follow the safety protocols and observe social distancing, our family and kids would be able to celebrate Halloween in a fun way.
Here are six ways to celebrate Halloween safely during the Coronavirus:
- Wear a real mask into your costume. If you are of the view that a mask may not pair well with your Halloween costume, then wait till you see the celebrities making a fashion statement with the face coverings. Adhering to Covid safety rules while flaunting your Dr Drakken costume, Mothman outfit, or Dr. Doom ensemble could ensure safety. You surely would not want to fall sick just because you may feel that wearing a mask could compromise your Halloween look. After all, you have to live for the next Halloween too.
- Research your place for Trick or Treating. Check beforehand the type of event you were invited before you go and attend. See if there are safety protocols that are being followed and if the people who invited you are aware of such. If you see that your safety and that of your kids will not be compromised, then that would be the only time to confirm attendance and show up on your costume.
- Do it outdoors. Whether you are the host or the invitee of the Halloween party, doing all the happenings outdoors is a must. Note that during COVID-19, everyone is assumed to be carriers of the virus. No one would want the virus to get inside the house after the merrymaking is over. Also, make sure that you have disinfectants and hand sanitizers ready and within anyone’s reach whenever you are giving away treats, or receiving them.
- Change your trick-or-treat routine. If Trick or Treating is still allowed in your community on Halloween, you are, by all means, welcome to participate and have fun. However, bear in mind that the traditional way of Trick or Treat will not be followed as safety measures should still be observed.
Try working on a costume which includes a rod or a stick, a Reaper’s sickle perhaps, where you could attach your pumpkin on its end and just reach it out to homeowners who will be giving you their treats. This way, you are doing the Trick or Treating and still are observing social distancing and avoid getting exposed to someone with COVID-19. It would also be best if you bring with you your disinfectant so you could spray the goods with it and sanitize them before keeping it in your loot bag.
- Celebrate differently, but in a very creative way. Since we are now in the new normal, it would also be best to think outside the box in celebrating Halloween. To make sure that you are following social distancing and other safety protocols, replace your usual parlor games with movie showing while keeping those seats a meter apart.
If going out and meeting in person is not really allowed, you can still meet up online via a zoom meeting, and show off the costumes in front of your camera with your creative halloween signs as your background. Record this meeting and upload it on social media and watch how it goes viral (pun intended).