Disasters can and do come in all shapes and sizes. But one big category to pay attention to if you’re trying to have the best life possible is preventable disasters. If there is something that you can do to keep certain types of accidents away, then it makes sense that you should do this thing, right?
Even with that mentality, though, it’s easy for many people to get lost in their own heads and just go about their lives as though they are protected and immune from adverse circumstances and consequences. Make sure this doesn’t happen to you!
So what are some preventable accidents that might come to mind? First of all, most car accidents don’t need to happen. If everyone were paying attention to what they were doing, and if everyone maintains their vehicles properly, 90% of the accidents on the road wouldn’t happen. Another preventable disaster is tripping circuit breakers at your house. It’s not that hard to know which outlets are hooked to which circuit breakers. If you’re working on something important like a computer file, and then you turn on an air conditioning unit a curling iron, and a vacuum cleaner all in the same outlet, you’re going to have an issue.
Third, it’s incredible how fast the wet areas in your home turn into a moldy mass. With an ounce of prevention, you can save yourself damage, frustration, and potentially even illness.
Car Accidents
The best piece of advice that you can take to avoid car accidents is to drive defensively. That’s it. Recognize that other people aren’t perfect drivers. Never tailgate. Don’t speed. Always look out for potential hazards. Just by going down that list every time you sit in the driver seat of the car, you will dramatically reduce your chances of being involved in a car accident.
Mold In the Wet Areas of Your Home
Usually, people don’t maintain the wet areas in their home until it’s too late. If you’re trying to avoid mold in the first place, there are plenty of daily, straightforward cleaning solutions that you can use. Particularly around your shower and around your kitchen sink, you need to make sure mold never even begins to show its face. After it’s already there, it’s much more challenging to get rid of it, and you would need Mold Mitigation Services to get it fixed.
Tripped Circuit Breakers
Most likely, you have run into an issue at some point where a circuit breaker tripped. There are a few reasons this could be a disaster. First of all, if you have not saved some digital project that you are working on your computer, then all could potentially be lost. Second, if you have expensive equipment hooked up to outlets, when the circuit pops, it can potentially damage or even destroy sensitive circuitry. Knowing how circuit breakers work is the first step to preventing this kind of an issue.